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For Your Feedback at Grapevine Escape

Thank you so much for visiting Grapevine Escape! As a small entertainment business, your feedback is invaluable to us. We appreciate the time you’ve taken to click the link in our email and share your thoughts on every aspect of your experience—from our facilities and customer service to the game master and the escape room itself.

Share your  5
- star⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ experience today! Your input helps us enhance our escape rooms to provide the best possible entertainment experience. You may leave your contact information or submit your feedback anonymously. We confirm visits solely to acknowledge your participation in our survey.

P.S. We do not sell or distribute emails from our customers—we hate spam as much as you do!

Warm regards,

Amber and Russell Sebastian
Grapevine Escape
Grapevine Escape Feedback
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Which escape room did you experience?   Check all that apply

Who was your Game Master / Host?

Overall Escape Room experience

Playability (puzzles, technology)

Challenge  (Too easy?  Too hard?)

Cleanliness of the Escape Room

Game Master attentiveness

Was the Game Master helpful during gameplay?

Rate the number of clues given

Rate the quality of clues given

Did you experience any *technical* issues during your escape experience?

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Did GVE staff members review policy cleaning procedures with your group?

Share your 5-Star experience at Grapevine Escape with friends, family, and others.

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Are you a robot?  We're just making sure :)

Seriously, if you ARE a robot, don't check this box.

Thanks for submitting your feedback! 

It means a tremendous amount to all of us at Grapevine Escape!

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Was a GVE Staff Member up front to greet you when you arrived?

Please rate the cleanliness of the lobby & front desk

Please rate the cleanliness of the restroom facilities (if applicable)

Please rate the friendliness / energy of the GVE staff members

Please rate the attentiveness of the GVE Staff members

Did you experience any problems during your visit?

Health and Safety
Escape Room Experience
General Experience
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160 N. Main St. Grapevine, TX 76051

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